Kirsten Pedersdatter Tott was sent as a young girl to the monastery on Bosön to get an education before she got married. Thanks to, among other things, an old Danish folk song, we know how more about her story.
A few decades earlier, the Black Death ravaged Europe. Welcome to the hospital.
Dress up
In the monastic convention also lived people who worked with agriculture and other heavy chores. Try to dress like these medieval conversi! The clothing is suitable for children up to 12 years. Sponsored by Bosjöklosters Vänner
Herb medicin
Medicinal plants were grown in the monastery's gardens, such as a garden angelica, foxglove, bearwort, motherwort, costmary, lemon balm, lovage, hyssop and sage. See for what purpose plants were used before and welcome to pick some twigs for a scented bouquet!
Where: The Medieval Vaults
Vernissage: May 21, 2020 1 pm - 3 pm.
Open: all days May 21 - September 20
MAY 21 - JUN 14
all days. 11am - 5pm
JUN 14 - AUG 16
all days 10am - 6pm
(Midsummer Eve June 19 until 4pm)
AUG 17 - SEP 20
all days 11am - 5pm
Or according to preliminay booking. More info about our opening hours.
Medarrangör: Bosjöklosters Vänner
With thanks to the historians Anders Reisnert und Susanne Beckmann, Malmö Muséer